Lesson Plans for October 31-November 4, 2016


Students will have a sub this day.  Need to bring something to read or work on quietly.


Topics:  Project presentations

Activities:  We discuss the requirements of presenting student career projects to the class.  Students will then draw for order of presenting and days to present will be assigned.  Students will be made aware that presenting project to the class will count as one test grade.


Activities:  Students will be given time to prepare for presentations. Students will be given notecards that they can write notes on and will be given an opportunity to practice with projector and remote to advance through slides.


Topics:  Career presentations

Activities:  First round of career presentations (Students who drew 1-5)

**Note:  Students who drew 6-10 will present  on Monday**

Lesson Plans for October 17-21, 2016


Topics:  Career project

Activities:  We will discuss the career project and the criteria that will need to be included.  Students will then use their completed research to create a PowerPoint project over their 5 careers of choice. Completed project will be due at the end of class on Friday, October 28, 2016.  Completed project will count as two test grades.  Daily grades will be also be given for participation during class.


Student holiday!

Lesson Plans for October 10-14, 2016


Topics:  PowerPoint basics

Activities: We will go over the basics of using PowerPoint:  inserting new slide, changing the slide content, adding text, adding pictures, changing the slide theme, etc.  Students will create a 5 slide PowerPoint using set criteria to show they understand how to use PowerPoint basics.


Topics:  Career project

Activities:  Discuss the criteria to be included in Career PowerPoint projects.  Students will then begin work on projects using their computer and completed research from last week.  Completed projects will be due at the end of class, Friday, October 21, 2016.  Completed project will count as two test grades.



Lesson Plans for October 3-7, 2016


Students will research 5 different careers to gain a better understanding of each.  Three career choices must be from results of student’s interest inventory or values assessment. Two careers may be student’s choice. Students may research using printouts from their interest and/or value assessments or the Occupational Outlook Handbook online at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/a-z-index.htm.

Students will need to research the following for each career:

  • What they do (duties, etc.)
  • Work environment
  • How to become one (Knowledge & education needed)
  • Pay
  • Job outlook for the future
  • Any other important information

Research will be due by the end of class on Friday, October 7.  Will count as two daily grades.


Lesson Plans for September 26-30, 2016


Students will complete an interest inventory at www.careeronestop.org.  It will rank top areas of interest, then students will choose 3 jobs from their list of choices.  They will then print out description pages for each chosen job.


Students will log onto careeronestop.org to identify their work values, find careers that correspond with their values, and complete the “Values Assessment” worksheet.


Sub:  Students to complete the career clusters interest survey.  Turn in results when complete.